As we head into spring, I would like to give a long-overdue message to all our dedicated members. Two years ago, all our lives stopped and were turned upside down by COVID. As we fight to get back to a normal schedule and way of life, there have been and continue to be, many challenges and obstacles.
As a CUPE 5791 members you have all done an amazing job at keeping your respective workplaces running smoothly and efficiently and you should all be very proud. It has not been easy and we continue to sacrifice day in and day out to get our jobs done.
Going into April we will be bargaining for Chartwells, then the UofR CUPE 5791 Contract, then Mackenzie Art Gallery, followed by the First Nations University of Canada and the CUPE 5791 Researchers group in early 2023. These contracts are not to be taken lightly, and I will work tirelessly to get a fair and equitable agreement for each contract.
If you are new to the CUPE 5791 Family, Welcome. We are so happy to have you join us. Please join us at our meetings and introduce yourselves. I will continue to work to keep things moving forward in a direction that will help us all feel valued and respected in our workplaces.
In Solidarity,
Shane Belter
President CUPE 5791