Welcome to CUPE 5791- University Employees Union

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Latest News

Elections February 5, 2025 (1/26/2025)
Elections are taking place at the February 5, 2025 General Membership Meeting
Click Here for Details


Elections 2024 (11/14/2024)
Elections are taking place at the November 20, 2024 General Membership Meeting
Click Here for Details


Call for Nominations (10/17/2024)

Attention all CUPE 5791 members,

As per Article 12.1(b), written nominations or notice of intent for the position of President must be received 30 days before the November general membership meeting.  As our next general membership meeting is scheduled for November 20th, 2024 at 12:00 PM, we need the written submission (notice of intent or nomination) to be submitted by October 21, 2024  end of day.  Written submissions can be delivered to the CUPE 5791 office or emailed to cupe.5791@uregina.ca.

Also we will be accepting written submissions (nominations or notice of intent) for available table officer and executive positions (we will put a complete list here in the next week).  Submissions are due November 18.  Written submissions can be delivered to the CUPE 5791 office or emailed to cupe.5791@uregina.ca.

We are scheduling the meeting space, and will post an update here with the date and time when the meeting room is booked.

For details of the the positions and what is expected for the position are available in the CUPE 5791 Bylaws 2022 (2022) Article 9

If you have questions please contact the union office or cupe.5791@uregina.ca

Notice to All Members (7/25/2024)

Attention Members,

Shane Belter is no longer a member of CUPE 5791 as of April 30, 2024, therefore he is no longer the president of CUPE 5791.   Please refrain from contacting Shane for CUPE business, as he is unable to act on your behalf.

If you have a concern, or need assistance, please contact the union office at 306-585-5791 or cupe.5791@uregina.ca, and one of the table officers (James, Sherri, Helen) will respond as soon as possible.

Thanks for your co-operation and patience during this transition,
Your Executive Team

President’s Message March 2022 (4/26/2022)

As we head into spring, I would like to give a long-overdue message to all our dedicated members.  Two years ago, all our lives stopped and were turned upside down by COVID.  As we fight to get back to a normal schedule and way of life, there have been and continue to be, many challenges and obstacles.

As a CUPE 5791 members you have all done an amazing job at keeping your respective workplaces running smoothly and efficiently and you should all be very proud.  It has not been easy and we continue to sacrifice day in and day out to get our jobs done.

Going into April we will be bargaining for Chartwells, then the UofR CUPE 5791 Contract, then Mackenzie Art Gallery, followed by the First Nations University of Canada and the CUPE 5791 Researchers group in early 2023.  These contracts are not to be taken lightly, and I will work tirelessly to get a fair and equitable agreement for each contract.

If you are new to the CUPE 5791 Family, Welcome.  We are so happy to have you join us.  Please join us at our meetings and introduce yourselves.  I will continue to work to keep things moving forward in a direction that will help us all feel valued and respected in our workplaces.


In Solidarity,

Shane Belter
President CUPE 5791