About us

Your Executive Team

Table Officers



Barry Joyce

First Vice President


Second Vice President

Rob Donald

Recording Secretary

Helen Nolan


Sherri OByrne

Sergeant at Arms

Joseph Harding


Laurie Baker

Yvonne Broqueza


Executive Members at Large


Dayle Steffen

Allison Marshall

Danette Andrews

Denise Gamracy


Kelly Jackman





College Ave


Applied Scientific Services

Carmon Perrin

Mackenzie Art Gallery

Marie Olinik

First Nations of Canada (FNUC)

Louise McCallum




If you are interested in filling any of our VACANT positions, please contact us at cupe5791@uregina.ca


The following information about our committees can also be found in Article 15 of the Cupe 5791 Bylaws.  If you are like to learn more about any of the committees or would like to participate in one, please contact the Union Office or an Executive Member in your area.

Special Committees

  1. A special ad hoc committee may be established for a specified purpose and period by the membership at a membership meeting.
  2. The members shall be elected at the same or another membership meeting or may, by specific authorization of the membership, be appointed by the President or the Executive Board;
  3. Two members of the Board may sit on any special committee as ex-officio members.
    1. Grievance Committee
    2. Education Committee
    3. Good and Welfare Committee
    4. Social Committee
    5. Health and Safety Committee
    6. Scholarship Committee
    7. Pension and Benefits Committee
    8. Joint Appeals Committee
  4. Members interested in serving on a Committee shall submit a written request to the Executive Board outlining their interest. All requests shall be considered and a recommendation made by the Executive Board. All appointees shall be approved by the Local membership.

Negotiating Committee

Current Members:  None

  1. This shall be a special ad hoc committee established at least two (2) months prior to the expiry of the Local’s collective agreement and automatically disbanded when a new collective agreement has been signed.
  2. The function of the Committee is to prepare collective bargaining proposals and to negotiate a collective agreement.
  3. The Committee shall consist of two (2) members and an alternate, all elected at a membership meeting, and the President.
  4. The CUPE Representative(s) assigned to the Local shall be a non-voting member of the Committee and shall be consulted at all stages from formulating proposals, through negotiations, to contract ratification by the membership.
  5. Motions of the Negotiating Committee in matters of contract ratification are neither amendable nor subject to tabling or any other delaying motions and must be dealt with at meetings where said motions are an order of business.
  6. Advisors to the Negotiating Committee shall be selected as deemed necessary by the Committee to provide the necessary expertise at the bargaining table.

Local Staff Labour Relations Committee

Current Members:  None

  1. This shall be a special ad hoc committee consisting of the table officers.
  2. The Committee shall deal with all labour relations issues arising in respect to employees of the Local including hiring, discipline, negotiating, performance, etc.
  3. The Committee shall meet as required and the minutes shall be recorded and deemed confidential to the Table Officers.
  4. be empowered, with the approval of the President or designate, to employ necessary clerical assistance to be paid for out of the Local’s funds, such expenses shall be reported to the membership in the monthly financial statement

Bylaw Committee

Current Members: None

  1. This shall be a special ad hoc committee consisting of the table officers.
  2. The Committee shall meet yearly or when instructed to do so by the Executive Board or membership.
  3. The Committee’s Function shall be to review the Bylaws and prepare written recommendations to be considered by the membership

Grievance Committee

Current Members: None

The Committee shall be comprised of up to ten (10) volunteer members appointed by the Executive Board and approved by the Steward Body. The selection of the Grievance Committee should, as reasonable as possible, be made from among the Executive Board and the Stewards.

  1. The Committee shall elect its own Chairperson who shall become an Executive member upon ratification by the membership.
  2. This committee shall process all grievances not settled at the initial stage and its reports shall be submitted first to the CUPE Representative, and the membership.
  3. Grievances must be in writing on the forms provided as provided for in the Collective Agreement.
  4. The committee has the authority to decide if the grievance is acceptable and to take the grievance to the first step or beyond.
  5. The Executive Board shall have final decision-making on grievance disposition and whether it proceeds to arbitration or not.

Education Committee and Public Relations Committee

Current Members: None

The Committee shall be comprised of up to ten (10) volunteer members appointed by the Executive Board. Members interested in serving on the Committee shall indicate their interest to the Executive Board;

  1. The Committee shall select its own Chairperson and Secretary from among its members.
  2. It shall be the duty of this Committee to:
    • arrange for representation of the Local at any appropriate and available union education/training and submit recommendations accordingly to the Executive Board;
    • instruct delegates in the preparation of reports to the membership on seminars and conferences and maintain a reference file on these reports;
    • co-operate with the Education and Union Development Departments CUPE, and the regional Education Representative, in implementing both the Local’s and CUPE’s educational programs and policies;
    • process applications for delegates to attend education programs as outlined in Appendix “D” in the bylaws

Good and Welfare Committee

Members: None

  1. The Committee shall be comprised of up to four (4) volunteer members appointed by the Executive Board. Members interested in serving on the Committee shall indicate their interest to the Executive Board.
  2. The Committee shall select its own Chairperson and Secretary from among its members.
  3. It shall be the duty of this Committee to:
    • be responsible for such activities with the Local that affect the well being of the membership (ie. flowers and donations for illness or death of a member or his/her immediate family member).
    • direct union counselors as may be established and assigned to it by the Membership or Executive Board;
    • assist members in obtaining aid externally to deal with social problems or specific economic needs.
  4. The Executive Board is responsible for setting a limit on any donations;
  5. Keep confidential all matters except with written approval of the member.

Social Committee

Members: Sherri O’Byrne (Chair), Kelly Jackman, Carmon Perrin, April Preikchat, Tina Yee

  1. The Committee shall be comprised of up to ten (10) volunteer members appointed by the Executive Board. Members interested in serving on the Committee shall indicate their interest to the Executive Board;
  2. The Committee shall select its own Chairperson and Secretary from among its members.
  3. It shall be the duty of this Committee to arrange and conduct all social and recreational activities of the Local either on the Committee’s own initiative or as a result of decisions taken at membership meetings.
  4. The Committee shall submit reports and proposals to the Executive Board or to the membership as required.

Health and Safety Committee

Members: Rob Donald, Carmon Perrin, Vacant

  1. Members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Board and shall consist of the elected Co-chairs from the Joint Health and Safety Committees and the Local site Committees.
  2. The Committee shall meet on a regular basis as agreed to by the Committee members.
  3. It shall be the duty of this Committee to:
    • monitor compliance with the Health and Safety Act and Regulations and report on the same to the membership;
    • coordinate and assist the members of Local 5791 in their role on Joint Statutory Committees;
    • inform members of Local 5791 on current health and safety issues.
  4. This Committee will operate under the Joint Health and Safety Committee statutory regulations and terms of reference.

Scholarship Committee

Members: Danette Andrews, Kaitlyn Goebel, Edgar Mangwende

  1. The Committee shall consist of the Treasurer and two (2) elected members.
  2. It shall be the duty of this Committee to:
    1. Administer the CUPE 5791 Scholarship Award in accordance with the guidelines attached to these bylaws as Appendix “F”
    2. The Committees’ mandate for each semester is to select essay topics, determine deadline dates, advertise the scholarship, select winning applicant, notify all applicants, arrange for presentation of awards, and submit winning essays for publication on the web site and /or selected circulations.
    3. If at any time a member of a committee is deemed to have a conflict of interest, that member will excuse him/herself from the committee discussions and refrain from voting on the issue.
    4. Written notice to recipients of awards, and all other applicants, will be done at the direction of the Chair of the Scholarship Committee.

Pensions and Benefits Committee

Members: James Batalha, Carmon Perrin, Danette Andrews



The responsibilities of the Pension Committee shall pertain to the terms and administration of the combined assets of the NABC (Non-Academic Benefits Committee) and the AABC (Academic and Administrative Benefits Committee) of the University of Regina. The combined assets constitute a single master trust for investment purposes. Each plan holds units being proportional to the total assets of each plan.

  1. To promote awareness and understanding of investments among members.
  2. To monitor investment performance of funds and money manager(s).
  3. To receive and review periodical financial and administrative reports.
  4. To keep and maintain minutes/information of the meetings.
  5. To assure correctness of the meetings.
  6. To vote on the issues arising at the meetings.
  7. To report back information to the membership.
  8. Any Issues directly related to major changes in the plan due to lack of funding or issues of formulas shall be matters that need to be voted on at a General membership meeting. This is at the discretion of the Benefits Committee.
  9. Act in Good Faith and in the best interests of the members, inactive members and any other individuals entitled to benefits pursuant to the plan.
  10. To make sure that the Administrators of the plan are acting in the best interest for the members.


The NABC shall be comprised of four (4) members to represent the Union /Management Committee.

  1. Three of the members shall be elected by the membership at a general membership meeting. Each of the three (3) members shall be elected for a three-year terms. The expiry dates of the NABC Committee shall be separated by one (1) year intervals.
  2. The fourth member will be a Retiree elected by the Retirees to a 3-year term. This procedure is handled with the Plans Pension and Benefits Officer.
  3. The NABC Committee shall have a Chair Person that will be elected by the NABC Committee.
  4. The NABC Committee shall work in conjunction with the Negotiating Committee on Issues.
  5. Chair person of the NABC committee shall:
  • Oversee the Additional Members of the committee (#6).
  • Present budgets
  • Arrange meetings for committee
  • Arrange Educational Sessions for Member/Additional Members
  • Spokesperson when needed
  1. Additional Members are any members interested in the Pension and Benefits that want training and/or give feedback to the NABC. To be involved.
  2. There is no limit to the amount of Additional Members.


The Benefits Committee shall work in conjunction with the Negotiating Committee on Issues.

  1. This is an extension of the NABC.
  2. This area deals with all other issues then Pension as listed:
    • Long Term Disability
    • Short Term Disability
    • Extended Health Care Plan
    • Vision
    • Dental

The achievements and goals are the same as stated in the Pension Section

Joint Position Review Appeal Committee

Members: Kurtus Bray, Tina Hilchey

The Joint Position Review Appeal Committee is comprised of two (2) CUPE members and two (2) management representatives.

  1. Four (4) CUPE representatives, who will be elected for a two (2) year term at a General Membership meeting, will alternate representation depending upon work schedules and conflict of interest rules. Representatives will be subject to training (provided by the employer) prior to any representation occurs.
  2. When a member submits an appeal as a result of a classification review result, the committee will meet to review all classification information submitted and render a decision. Consensus must be reached to be successful.
  3. Roles:
  • Carry out the committee mandate as per the collective agreement.
  • Obtain an understanding of the position under appeal
  • Relate the work of the position under appeal to the definitions and job factor descriptors of the Job Placement Manual.
  • Compare work of this position to the work of other positions within the University and maintain consistency of application.
  • Evaluate the appropriateness of the employer’s classification determination.
  • Place the position in the appropriate job family and phase if it is determined that the position is not appropriately placed

The committee members will maintain all information and presentations received with the strictest confidentiality.